
How To Create a Cohesive Brand Image

The different elements of your brand should support each other to send a cohesive message. Here’s how you can show your customers what your brand really means.

How To Improve PR After a Recall

After just one recall, a company’s entire reputation might be called into question. For companies in this predicament, here is how to improve PR after a recall.

NFTs and Blockchain

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) made big headlines in early 2021 when Christie’s auction house sold the collage of the first 5,000

Dress For Success

Why it is important to look the part and how it could be a deal breaker in a business deal.

David Suzuki: The Nature of an Icon

David Takayoshi Suzuki is a Canadian geneticist, academic, science broadcaster, environmental activist, and widely-recognized world leader in sustainable ecology. His

Susan Sly Has It All!

Author, speaker, entrepreneur, mother-of-five and fitness enthusiast; Susan believes that we can truly have it all. You have been an

Rose Handy: No Excuses

You wouldn’t know it by how she carries herself, but Rose Handy was once homeless with her child. She knows

How to Be Your Own Boss

Do you want to work for yourself? Demonstrate your own abilities, set your own work hours, have people to work

Bon Tran: Be. Do. Have.

Bon Tran is a life coach and fitness trainer specializing in helping people achieve their weight-loss goals, make healthy transformations

Beyond CERB

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March, the federal government has had to act to financially support Canadians.

Colin Kaepernick: Believe

“Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.” An intriguing tagline for Nike’s bold ad campaign featuring the controversial

Valuable Tech Shortcuts

The advent of technology has increasingly allowed businesses and entrepreneurs to mitigate and even eliminate many barriers that exist when

Why Invest in Real Assets

Real assets form the backbone of the global economy and represent the physical assets that facilitate economic activity. At Starlight

5 Steps to Retire at 50

It sounds crazy, especially in this day and age (and especially if you’re a young entrepreneur, working long, grueling hours

Managing Your Mental Health

Entrepreneurs are known for pouring themselves into their businesses. Long days, hours spent alone, and making tough personal sacrifices are not

A Champion’s Mentality

The Toronto Raptors shocked the sports world by winning the NBA Championship in June, but any devoted basketball fan will

Closing Tech’s Gender Gap

The world’s first computer programmer was a woman named Ada Lovelace. She developed an algorithm for her mentor’s invention, the

One Day at a Time

When The Edge: A Leader’s Magazine first asked me to write a column on goal-setting and the importance of having a positive

Bridging the Management Age Gap

Millennials are known as the generation of smartphones, over-priced coffee, and a reputation for entitlement and leisureliness. Despite this, the

Creating Healthy Habits

You know that you should eat better and exercise more. But there’s also a force pulling you in the other

The Smartest of Watches

  These days, watches are for more than simply telling time. There are some camps that feel the Apple Watch

The Streaming Revolution

  Back in the early 1980s, Time magazine ran an article about how (then) newly-launched MTV was changing the entertainment

Dealing with Business Rivals

  There’s no escaping competition when it comes to owning and operating a small or medium-sized business. You’re constantly facing

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Embracing Radical Transparency

Featuring Camille Dundas, Co-founder, and Editor-in-Chief of ByBlacks.com, a leading Black Canadian online magazine, on Championing Authentic Allyship and Resilience to Drive Change Across Industries.