Lauren Park: Embracing Innovation

From working in science labs, to going back to school to complete her MBA at Queen’s University, and moving up as a consultant and in leadership roles in tech, Lauren Park is no stranger to embracing change, innovation, and professional growth.

Prior to her current director of training position with Security Compass — a company that helps organizations in cyber security design, and cybersecurity solutions — she worked in consulting for IT, manufacturing operations, and environmental labs. Through all of this, she has learned to seek out opportunities and understands that the best way to support your team is to really get to know them and to communicate with them well. 

Lauren took time out of her busy schedule to talk with us about learning from previous experiences, taking risks, work-life balance, and the value of asking questions.

What have you learned from your previous experiences that help you in your current leadership role?

One (thing) I’ve learned is the importance of talking to and really listening to people. When I worked as a consultant, we were making significant changes to organizations. 

I looking to find the “why” through conversations; specifically, why things are done a certain way — what is working and what isn’t — then helping to fix the issues. I’m naturally inquisitive, so I ask questions and actively listen to the answers is key to becoming a successful leader.

Can you talk about your experience as a woman in business?

I have been fortunate to have great mentors and role models who valued me as a person and never treated me differently from my male colleagues. I’ve had encouragement about how to overcome societal pressures that women often face.

Perfectionism, as an example, and the feeling that you want to have everything perfect before speaking up. I recognize that it’s okay to make mistakes, and not have all the answers. You have a voice [and] you’re here for a reason, so speak up.

What advice or insight do you have for someone switching career pathways or entering a new industry?

It’s important to remember you’re always able to bring a unique viewpoint to conversations and situations. If you’re looking to make the transition, examine your transferable skills, recognize what you have, and assess how you can bring that experience to a new industry or company. 

One other big thing, especially if you’re switching industries, is learning the lingo of the new industry as quickly as possible. Do your homework before you interview, and then ask a ton of questions. 

Every company that I’ve worked with has acronyms that I’ve had to learn; new industries have acronyms that I’d never heard of before, and using the correct terminology and examples is helpful in building credibility.

What does an ideal work-life balance look like for you, both personally and professionally?

Our homes became our offices during the pandemic. Finding that balance has been challenging for me. I found setting times for activities — has been so important for my mental and physical health. The pandemic has really shown us how important that balance truly is. Whether you’re taking three hours in the day to homeschool your kids, or going for a walk or a bike ride, we’ve seen a lot more flexibility throughout the last year or so. Having a balance and knowing that as long as you’re getting your work done by the expected timelines — that’s really the most important thing. 

With regard to managing both people and projects, what advice would you give to someone new in this type of role?

Organization and communication [are] key to managing both people and projects. It’s important to communicate issues and challenges as soon as they arise.

When you’re managing a project, there will be many different people working together towards a common goal. Connecting and getting to know people on a personal and professional level is key, as well as having them get to know you.

From a people-management perspective, you can adapt your style of management to help them become the best team member they can and to really work together and make sure everyone finds success.

Stephanie Hawkins | Contributing Writer



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