Joel Brown: Propelling Others to Succeed

Joel Brown created Addicted2Success and coaches more than 200 aspiring entrepreneurs each month as part of his exclusive Mind-Strong Alliance group and has established himself as a leader in the motivational world, particularly online and on social media. He works to help people elevate their business, wealth, and lives, and he shared some of his insights on motivation and success in a previous issue of The Edge.


You have a diversified professional portfolio in social media, publishing, public speaking, coaching, and launching a successful podcast. What would you attribute your success to?

My success comes from my desire to create something meaningful and to share it with the world. To also see other people inspired from the content that I’ve created. If Addicted2Success was taken away from me, I would still create inspirational content because I know how many millions of lives we’ve changed with our inspirational content. That gives my life meaning, and it’s great to know that I’m sharing value in that process.

What inspired you to pursue a career in motivational speaking and personal development?

Seven years ago, when I cast my vision for success, I wrote that in my 10th year I would be speaking on stage with Tony Robbins and Les Brown. I wrote this because I used to read Tony Robbins’ books, I used to listen to Les Brown’s speeches, and for the first time in my life, when I was first introduced to this, I knew that anything was possible. I felt the unlimited potential that was within me, and I loved the idea that if I were to take the action and achieve these things in my life, that in turn it could inspire others in the process. I loved the idea that I could not only achieve success, but also inspire others through my actions. The ultimate way to do this is through speaking and connecting with people in the world, both on and off stage. I always knew that my goal was to be a speaker because that’s what fires me up and that’s what I felt aligns most with me in how I could connect with people.

What is your definition of “success”?

To live as often as possible in your potential each day, and to not live anybody else’s mission except your own.

You have worked alongside some big names in the industry like Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, and Gary Vaynerchuk. What kinds of advice or lessons have they passed onto you?

Tony Robbins shared a great lesson: “The greatest advantage you’ll ever have in life and in business is truth. And the only way you gain truth is to gain experience.” By that he means that you’ve got to get in the trenches, you’ve got to get your hands dirty, you’ve got to feel the blood, sweat, and tears, and you must commit to your craft. The thing I learned from Gary Vaynerchuk was that there are no algorithms or hacks to success. That it’s more about the process, and it’s about really aligning with your passion. Also, that it’s being self-disciplined and relentless about achieving the goals that you set for yourself.

What do you think of methods like visualization and affirmations? Do you believe in them? Have they helped build the success that you enjoy today?

Visualization is so powerful. Our body follows what our mind thinks. It’s mind over everything. If you can visualize yourself achieving your dreams, you will have a higher chance of getting there, because your body will follow the path that you have set in your mind. If you feel it on a cellular level, you gain more certainty. And certainty will breed influence, and this will help you network and go further in life. Gratitude is also a powerful tool. When we get our mind into a state of appreciation, it reminds us of all that we’ve achieved and empowers our beliefs.


Jennifer M. Williams | Editor-in-Chief




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